Drake Loeb PLLC Matching Donor for Mount Saint Mary College's GO BLUE Campaign
Drake Loeb PLLC was proud to be a matching sponsor and donor to Mount Saint Mary College's Go Blue virtual fundraiser. The fundraiser's goal was to raise money to support a wide variety of student clubs, sports, and initiatives. Drake Loeb PLLC chose to support the Pre-Law Society through the MSMC Legal Studies Fund by making a donation and also offering an additional dollar-for-dollar matching gift for donations up to $2,500.
Jennifer L. Schneider, a member of Mount Saint Mary College's Business Advisory Board and Managing Attorney at Drake Loeb PLLC, said, "When we were approached by the school to consider participating, we very quickly saw the need to join this effort. Students are experiencing financial challenges like never before. For us, the thought of a student who dreams of going to law school not reaching that goal simply because they do not have the funds to pay for things like law school application fees was not acceptable."
The Go Blue drive earned more than $40,000. The MSMC Legal Studies Fund recently issued its first award to a MSMC Senior to enable that student to gain access to an LSAT review course.